Free Male Gym Workout

This is a simple but effective gym workout for men.

I believe in keeping things as simple as possible. Your program does not always have to be complicated to be effective.
That is the problem with a lot of social media fitness advice, people make things way too complicated just for novelty. But it does not have to be. The simpler the program is, the bigger chance there is that you can adhere to it long term. Enough waffle for now, please read the rest of the introduction and try out the program!

You can repeat this workout a few times a week. You should have at least 1 recovery day between workout days. You can also do cardio on those days.

Try to gradually lift more weight or do more reps, but never sacrifice weight over technique.

Add more weight when the old weight gets easy enough that you can do more reps than the target rep range of each exercise. For example if your Shoulder Press rep range is 8-10 and you can already do 12 reps then it is probably time to add 10-20% weight. After adding weight you might drop back to where you can only do 8 reps with the new weight, thats okay, now you will work back up to 10+ reps. And now you will repeat this process until you are the strongest person in the world, or even universe, because there is no life outside earth… or is there?

Start every workout with a slight warmup e.g. cardio and dynamic stretches 5-15min total.
The most important part of your warmup is the warmup sets before each exercise. How to do them? Choose a weight that you can do about 20-30 reps with and do 5-10 reps. That should get you primed up for the lift. After that you can add an extra warmup set if necessary or start with your working sets. On your working sets only do as many reps as you can with good technique. Do not hurt yourself.

Don’t know how to perform the exercise? Click on the picture and you can watch video instructions on youtube.

Leg Press
3 x 8-10

Place your feet on the platform roughly shoulder width.

Try to keep you heels on the platform and lower back on the pad.

Chest Press Machine
3 x 8-12

Pro Tip: You can keep constant tension on the pecs if you don't let the weight hit the bottom on every rep.

3 x 8-12

Find a machine handle that you feel most comfortable with.

Think of pulling your elbows to the floor.

Seated Shoulder Press
3 x 8-10

If possible, set the seat height so that your elbows can go below your shoulders at the bottom position.

Use a range of motion suitable for you and don’t let the weight hit the bottom between reps.

Captains Chair Knee Raises

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

If your gym does not have a Captains Chair then you can substitute this exercise with any other ab exercise e.g. regular ab crunches on the floor.

2 x 8-15

Move under control. Descend down for 1-2 seconds and then come back up for 1-2 seconds.

Use a range of motion that is comfortable for you.

Are you ready for amazing results?

My goal is to create a personal training program for you that you actually enjoy and want to do.

A program that suits your lifestyle and capabilities.

Lets start this journey together!

See what you can achieve with the first 12 weeks.

Feel free to ask any additional questions in the contact form below.


Free Female Gym Workout